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Keith CHAN Ka-fu

Date: Jul 12, 2019    Browse: []

Keith CHAN Ka-fu, I was born in Hong Kong. I am currently professor at the Center for Judaic and Inter-religious Studies, School of Philosophy and Social Development, Shandong University, China. I am a PhD supervisor. Before joining Shandong University, I was a research director at the Institute of Sino-Christian Studies, lecturer at the Department of Religion and Philosophy of Hong Kong Baptist University. I am now an adjunct assistant professor at the Cultural & Religious Studies of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, research associate at the Center for Christian Studies, Chung Chi College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. I got my PhD in Religious and Theological Studies in the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and two master degrees in philosophy and religious studies. I earned my BA in Religious Studies in Hong Kong Baptist University


Research Interests:

Modern and Contemporary Christian Thought, Continental Philosophy of Religion, Religion and Environmental Ethics, Religion and Animal Studies, Paul Tillich Studies


Honorary Academic Post:


1.       Academic Journal Editorial Broad Member (2002-2009)

Journal: Logos & Pneuma. Chinese Journal of Theology, Institute of Sino-Christian Studies.


2.      Honorary Research Associate (2003-2008)

Institution: Centre for the Study of Religion and Chinese Society, Chung Chi College, Chinese University of Hong Kong.


3.      Adjunct Assistant Professor (2009-present)

Institution: Faculty of Arts, Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Institution: Divinity School of Chung Chi College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


4. Reviewer of the Peer-review journal

Journal: Sino-Christian Studies: An International Journal of Bible, Theology & Philosophy (A&HC Index, Scopus )

Journal: Logos & Pneuma. Chinese Journal of Theology (A&HC Index, Scopus)


5.      Research Associate (2018-present)

The Center for Christian Studies, Chung Chi College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


6. Member of the North American Paul Tillich Society




Monographs / Books


2018. Life as Spirit: A Study of Paul Tillich’s Ecological Pneumatology. (Tillich Research Series Volume 17) Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. (Pages 224 in English)


2008. Paul Tillich: Theology in the Boundary. Hong Kong: Logos Publishers Co. (Pages xviii + 233 in Chinese 《田立克—边缘上的神学》)


Edited Works


2017. Co-editors with William NG Yau-nang, Paul Tillich and Asian Religions. (Tillich Research Series Volume 11) Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. (Pages 238 in English)

-     Review received: The Journal of Interreligious Studies 25 (2019 Feb), pp.61-63.


2014. Co-editors with Chang Huei-yin, When Theologian Meet Politics, Hong Kong: VWLink. (Pages 214 in Chinese 《当神学家遇上政治》)


2006. Editor, Tillich and Sino-Christian Theology. Hong Kong: Logos & Pneuma Co. (Pages 431 in Chinese 《蒂利希与汉语神学》)


Book Review


2003. John J. Carey, Paulus, Then and Now: A Study of Paul Tillich’s Theological World and the Continuing Relevance of his Work, Hill Road, Nov 2003 Vol.6 No.2, pp.166-171. (in Chinese)


Peer-review Journal Articles


1.2019. “Messianic Politics, Suspension and the Redemption of the Time: An Investigation of Agamben’s Political Theology,” Logos and Pneuma: Chinese Journal of Theology (under review)


2. 2016. “A Confucian-Kantian Response to Environmental Eco-centrism on Animal Equality,” co-author with Stephen Palmquist, Journal of Chinese Philosophy, volume 43, issue 3-4, pp.221-238. (A & HC Index)


2.      2015. “Paul Tillich’s Understanding of Theology: A Pneumatological Christological Perspective,” Sino-Christian Studies: An International Journal of Bible, Theology & Philosophy, Issue 20, 2015, pp.33-86. (A&HC Index, Scopus)


3.      2015. “Theology as theonome Systematik: On the continuity of Tillich’s theology,” Logos and Pneuma: Chinese Journal of Theology (A&HC Index, Scopus) Vol.43 (Autumn, 2015) (in Chinese),pp. 93-114.


4.      2011. “Discuss with Prof. Jason Yeung on the Understanding of Paul Tillich and Schleiermacher: A Review of 20th Century Selected Theologians,” Hill Road, July 2011 Vol.14 No.1 (Issue 27), pp.165-180 (in Chinese)


5.      2009. “A Process Ecological Theology of Paul Tillich with special reference of doctrine of creation-eschatology” Theology and Life. Annual Theological Journal, No.32, 2009,pp.23-40 (in Chinese with English abstract)


6.      2004. “Tillich’s Idea on Church on the Boundary” Hill Road, Vol.7, issue 2, 2004, pp. 49-69 (in Chinese with English abstract)


7.      2003. “Theology of Nature in Early Tillich: An Ecological theological Point of View” Logos & Pneuma Chinese Journal of Theology Vol. 18 (2003, Spring), pp. 89-121 (in Chinese with English abstract)


8.      2002. “Between Perfect and Separate: The Christian Doctrine of God in Mou Tsung-san and Paul Tillich," Logos & Pneuma Chinese Journal of Theology, Vol.16, (2002, Spring), pp. 229-248 (in Chinese)


9.      2001. "The Re-orientation of Technology: A View from Tillich's Philosophical Theology," Journal on Religious Philosophy, Vol.7, issue 2 (2001.7), pp. 12-29 (in Chinese)


10.  1999. “Karl Barth’s Christological Anthropology and Christian-Confucian Dialogue,” Ching Feng, 42/1-2, (March-June 1999), pp.1-33.


Chapters in Books


1.      2017. “Pneumatological Sacramentality and Cosmic Humanity: Tillich, Orthodox Theology and Confucianism,” Eds. William NG Yau-nang & Keith CHAN Ka-fu, Paul Tillich and Asian Religions. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, pp.221-238.


2.      2017. “Introduction to Paul Tillich and Asian Religions,” Co-author with William NG Yau-nang. Eds. William NG Yau-nang & Keith CHAN Ka-fu, Paul Tillich and Asian Religions. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, pp.1-25.


3.      2016. 〈阿甘本的保羅主義—彌賽亞時間 / 生命〉,陳錦輝編,《一切》,(香港:德慧文化,2016) ,頁67-94(Agambens Paulism: Messianic Time / Life, Ed. CHAN Kam-fai, Omnia Omnibus: Paul, Our Comrade of Time. (HK: VWlink, 2016), pp.67-94)


4.      2016. 〈以「神聖暴力」取代「神話暴力」—從本雅明思路探索法與暴力〉,《廢掉冤仇尋求和睦》,(香港:突破出版社,2016) ,頁44-57(Divine Violence replaces Mythical Violence: Re-examine the relationship between Law and Violence via Walter Benjamin,” Diminish Hate and Seeking Harmony, (HK: Breakthough, 2016), pp.44-57)


5.      2015. 〈德國基督教會的納粹陰魂與納粹政權的基督教精神〉,張慧嫈編,《仄徑舛途》(香港:德慧文化,2015) ,頁179-200(The Nazi ghost of German Christianity and the Christian Spirit of Nazi Power, Ed. Chang Huei-yin, A Winding Path: The Church and The Power (HK: VWlink, 2015), pp.179-200.) (in Chinese)


6.      2014.〈田立克的历史神学与政治神学〉,《当神学家遇上政治》,張慧嫈和陈家富編,(香港:德慧,2014), 60-76 (“Philosophy of History and Political Theology of Paul Tillich,” Co-editors with Chang Huei-yin, When Theologian Meet Politics, Hong Kong: VWLink, 2014, pp.60-76. (in Chinese)


7.      2008. “The Dialectical Character of Dialectic Theology: Barth and Tillich” Karl Barth and Sino-Christian Theology. Volume II. Ed. Ou Li-jen & Andrews Tang. Hong Kong: ISCS, 2008, pp.367-390 (in Chinese)


8.      2006. "Editor's Preface: A review on the Recent Western and Chinese Scholarships on Tillich Studies" Paul Tillich and Sino-Christian Theology. Ed. Keith K.F. Chan (HK: Logos & Pneuma Press, 2006), pp. 11-38 (in Chinese)


9.      2006. “Tillich's Idea of Mysticism and Trinity", Paul Tillich and Sino-Christian Theology. Ed. Keith K.F. Chan (HK: Logos & Pneuma Press, 2006), pp. 97-120. (in Chinese)


10.   2004. “Christian Eco-Economics: Critique on Globalization” Studies on Christian Religion, Issue 7, 2004 Dec.,pp.233-249 (in Chinese)


11.   2002. "Towards an Interpenetrating Reality: Tillich's Pneumatological Doctrine of Creation and Zhang Zai's Doctrine of Ch'I” Holy Spirit: Chinese Perspective. Hong Kong: Lutheran Theological Seminary, 2002. pp. 99-118 (in Chinese)


12.   2002. “Tillich’s Ecological Vision: Relationship between Humanity and nature” Dialogue on Life and Ethics between Christianity and Confucianism. Ed. Lai Pan-chiu. Hong Kong: CUHK, 2002. pp.31- 58 (in Chinese)


13.   2000. "Humanity and Christ: Barth's Christological Anthropology and the Confucian-Christian Dialogue," Karl Barth and Sino-Christian Theology. Eds. Andres Tang & Lai Pan-chiu. Hong Kong: Institute of Sino-Christian Studies, 2000, pp.291-325 (in Chinese)


14.   2000. "From Dialectic to Analogy? An Examination on Karl Barth's Theological Epistemology," Karl Barth and Sino-Christian Theology. Eds. Andres Tang & Lai Pan-chiu. Hong Kong: Institute of Sino-Christian Studies, 2000, pp.101-122 (in Chinese)



Papers Presented in Conference


1.20194月,〈指向一个生态经济伦理学:一个耶佛对话的视角〉,第九届佛教与基督教比较研究学术会议,山东大学犹太教与跨宗教研究中心, 2019 April, Towards a Eco-economical Ethics: A Buddhist-Christian Perspective, presented at the 9th Conference on the Comparative Study of Buddhism and Christianity, organized by the Center for Judaic and Inter-religious Studies, School of Philosophy and Social Development, Shandong University, China.


2.      2018 December, “Mapping the Anthropocentricism in Islamic-Christian Environmental Ethics,” presented at the International Conference on Environmenal Humanities, organized by the Research Institute for the Humanities, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.


3. 2018 January, “Against Anthropocentricism in Animal Ethics: Via Buddhist Idea of Animality,” (with Prof. William NG Y.N.) presented at the International Conference on ‘The Spread of Humanistic Buddhism in East Asia and Southeast Asia,’ The Chinese University of Hong Kong. [〈动物伦理学的反人类中心主义:取道佛教动物性的观念〉,吴有能合撰,《人间佛教在东亚与东南亚的传播国际学术会议》,香港中文大学]


4. 2015 July, “Pneumatological Sacramentality and Cosmic Humanity: Tillich, Orthodox Theology and Confucianism,” presented at the International Conference of Tillich, Buddhism and Confucianism, organized by the Center for Sino-Christian Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University.


5. 2006 December, The Ecological Vision of Paul Tillich, presented at the conference on Christianity and the Harmony Society, organized by the Chinese Academy Social Sciences. [〈蒂利希的生态远象〉,《基督教与和谐社会》,中国社会科学院]


6. 2005 October, “Karl Barth's Reception in Sino-Christian Theology,” presented in the International Conference of Die internationale Karl Barth-Forschung. Schwerpunke und systematische Perspektiven, organized by Internationalen Wissenschaftsforum Heidelberg.


7. 2005 October, Tillichs Mysticism and Trinity, presented in the conference Paul Tillich and Sino-Christian Theology, organized by the Institute of Sino-Christian Studies. [〈蒂利希的神秘主义与三一论〉,《蒂利希与汉语神学》,香港汉语基督教文化研究所]


8. 2005 September, “Two Types of Dialectical Theology: Comment on Liu Xiaofeng’s theology,” presented in the 3rd Round Table Sino-Christian Theology, organized by the Institute of Sino-Christian Studies.





Mobile: 0086-15865283118


Postal Address: Prof. Keith CHAN Ka-fu, Center for Judaic and Inter-religious Studies, School of Philosophy and Social Development, No.1616 Zhi Xin Lou A, No. 27 Shanda Nan Lu, Shandong University, Jinan, China


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