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Analytical Philosophy Forum No. 155: Arthur Schipper on Non-existent Paradox

Date: Mar 26, 2019    Browse: []

On the evening of March 26th, the 155th Analytical Philosophy Forum of the Institute of Philosophy and Social Sciences was held at A1521, Zhixin Building. Professor Arthur Schiper from the Department of Philosophy of the University of Amsterdam gave an academic report entitled “The Paradox of Non-Being”. Ivan.V.Ivannov, a teacher at the Institute of Philosophy and Social Sciences, presided over the teachers of the Department of Philosophy, Wang Huaping, Chen Jian, Huang Qixiang, Liang Fei, Guo Peng, and Li Minghe.

At the beginning of the lecture, Schipper first introduced the problem of non-existence paradox. The non-existence of paradox is a core issue in the study of ontology. It points out that in order to deny the existence of non-existence, we must first refer to it; and once we refer to a thing, it means that it exists, which makes the proposition that negates non-existence is either false or self-contradictory, but these propositions look Intuitively, it is true. To solve this problem, philosophers must deny one of two premises: (1) we must refer to things when we negate the existence of things; (2) we must refer to things that exist. Standard dominant theory

Negating the first premise; another Meinist theory denies the second. Schipper introduced the representative forms of the two theories, the representative forms of the first theory, such as Frege's theory of nature and Russell---the logic-based quantifier theory; the representative form of the second theory is Mayon. Theory of doctrine. Both of these theories have certain flaws. The former is considered to have misjudged the true value of some propositions that are actually true in some respects, while the latter is considered to have made too many promises on ontology. In the questioning session, Prof. Schipper and the teachers and students present discussed the importance of this issue and its discussion on the theory of knowledge, philosophy of mind and ethics. The students were enthusiastic in asking questions and the exchange atmosphere was warm.

Speaker Profile: Professor Arthur Schipper received his Ph.D. from the University of London and is currently teaching at the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. His academic research fields mainly include metaphysics, logic and philosophical methodology.